Friday, November 2, 2012

THE Reason Why I'm Catholic

The Eucharist.

It is growing to be so incredibly important in my life that I cannont help but exclaim how wonderful it is to know Jesus in this way. Every first friday of a new month we have the opportunity to be in front of Jesus in this sacrament and contemplate this mystery.

That Jesus would allow us to receive Him, body, blood, soul, and divinity is such a priveledge that all other things pale in comparison.

That being said, I'd like to write out my Eucharistic prayer for today.

Lord, thank you for allowing me to come before you in this Blessed Sacrament. Please give me the strength to overcome my weaknesses and allow me to draw strength from your presence to win the battle against my temptations.

My Lord, My God, I worship you. Forgive me for my sins. Forgive the sins of my family and friends. Strengthen them, give them hope, and show them your love.

I pray this in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Sprit.


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